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The Birds

Birds Out-Door .

We have 24 birds as permanent residents. 9 Kakarikis, 5 Cockatiels, 4 Budgies, 3 Lovebirds and 1 Ring neck dove live in the aviary. We have just built a new aviary and we are hoping to add to it soon to make the flight up to 18 foot long. They have an insulated box, with perches and shelving for those that find it difficult to perch. There is a CCTV camera to aid security and general overview of the birds, and lighting.

All but one Pair of Kakarikis are rescues, most have been kept in bad condition, though some have arrived just because the owners are unable to keep them anymore. All birds are welcome here, no matter what special needs or disabilities they have.

5th August,

3 one year old cock birds (Cockatiels) and 2 chicks (1 month old) arrived today) so that brings the total birds to 29.

September 3rd

We have had a 1 year old female Eclectus, Poppy and a 3 year old male Eclectus, Jasper placed with us. Due to the previous owners situation that was beyond their control they wanted to find a permanent loving home for this lovable pair. Poppy is a biter, but we are working each day to get her used to being handled and both birds have a great vocabulary. Donated with them was a large cage, lots of toys and food, so big thanks got to R & C.

We send regular updates and pictures to they can see how they are getting on.


We have 2 indoor residents, An African Grey, Oliver, (he is my own pet) and Oscar a Red Lory.
Oscar is completely blind so is very dependant on us, he has to have everything returned to its place so he can find his way around. He is very active and sure footed whilst inside his cage, and does not like to be out or be handled.

Oliver is 7 months old and just starting to talk :c)

Poppy & Jasper the Eclectus, are also with us, as well as Ghost, a albino Indian ring neck and Kringle a Pearly conure

Past guests

We have had many different types of birds staying with us. We used to re-home birds but now prefer for them to come and retire here and remain permanent residents.

Dolly & Daffy a Aylesbury and an Indian Runner (Ducks) they lived with us for over 12 months before we could find them a suitable home, Dolly laid a egg daily, but the eggs were removed. The home they have now has a huge pond, with lots of other ducks, and they have recently hatched a chick.

Finches We have had several species of finches, ranging from the Zebra, spice, nuns, paradise whydas, etc, They came from different homes, and all lived together in a huge aviary. These were all re-homed, and their new abode was a purpose built aviary with fantastic space to fly. They are very happy and co exist very happily.

Canaries We have also had several Canaries, mainly cock birds, where the owners had lost the hen. They are very colourful and happy birds and are very easy to keep.

We have had quite a few assorted birds of the slightly larger variety, they are quite often bought as pets with the new owners not having the full backup.

Unfortunatley because we have had so many birds delivered to us, but no one wants to help fund us, we are no longer able to take in any birds, though we have several residents waiting for sponsors, without YOUR support, their future may be difficult,


Any donation that you can give will help, please dont think that a few pence is not enough, ANY amount that you donate will enable us to carry on with helping these needy creatures.


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